Potential Export Products
Of East Kalimantan
Of East Kalimantan
Presented by:
-Muhammad Khadziq J C0D010017
-Ika Yuni Setiyowati C0D010044
-Siti lutfiyati C0D010047
English V Class
D3-Bisnis Internasional Economics Faculty
Jenderal Soedirman University
Overview of Business condition and Business Oportunities
Generally, the condition of business activities especially in export sector are decrease. The impact of global financial crisis destroy of business enterprise in East Kalimantan since mid of 2008.
That showed by The decrease of demand from the countries export destination (USA,Japan,Europe,Australia,China).
In the other hand, The buyer ask for lower price to seller.
Business Sectors in East Kalimantan
Woods Sector
Mining Sector
Fishery Sector
Woods Sector
Few of the Woods companies in East Kalimantan that all most (90 %) of plywood product are export to Japan, Korea, usa, England, Europe, and Australia that very be struck by condition. The industry Activities of Wood manufacturing especially for plywood production and Medium Density Fiberboard or MDF (50% exsport) are only for last order.
Mining Sector
- The Condition in the present day
Coals minning Sector has booming in price on the 4rd Quarter of 2007 due to increase in Oil Price rate. This Sector Business still exsist dan run the business although the market price fall down since 1st semester of 2008.Along of 2008,Coals Price level on Higher level than previous years.
Fishery Sector
Fishery Sector expecially in shirmp manufactures (fresh and frozen), in the present day there are decrease income in that sector. The Fishery Companies Supplier (cold storage) has a main product,it is “Shirm Black Tiger”.The cost of good manufactures of this product are Increase (Cost production, Shipping ,Raw Material Price) But in this time this problem can be solved of the business enterprise .although the profit margin are decrease.
The Problems
“illegal logging” That problem affect in decrease in demand,
The Services of bank is not support in their business.
The shirmp of International Market Price is Decrease and also Decrease in demand from Buyer Counrties.
Currency rate of the country influence in Price and Demand.
Foreign trade financing is Costly
Government Policy
Most often there are checking document “overlap” and Cost of Shipping raw material.
Charge fees have to convert in US$,that realy Costly because the currency rate of US$ still higher.
Problem Solving
Bank of Indonesia should apply the criteria the normally bank in regional level not in Central.The Credits demand in the regency of east kalimantan still excessivelly becouse of administration of the office.
Bank of Indonesia should decide the policy for International Payment to be Easier.
Government should remove the retribution fee that make the cost highly: Forest Woods Charge,Regional Tax for heavy equipment.
Kadin (Kamar dagang indonesia) Should build the B to B (Business to Business) Forum to give more information about their business.
Build new sector business to diverse business sector
Build in Infastructre and facilities ( Road,Comunication Network,Electricity and Waters).Thats can improve the investor to invest in there.
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