Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Task entrepreneurshipName: Muhammad Khadziq JuliantoNim: C0D010017Prodi: International Business D3Teamwork ManagementIn the business world, the use of teamwork is often the best solution to achieve a success. Solid teamwork will make it easier to delegate management tasks of the organization. However, to form a solid team that demand a high degree of management. The most important thing is that teamwork should be seen as a source of maids to be developed and nurtured just like other resources, which exist within the company.

Definition of TeamworkIn general, teamwork can be defined as a collection of individuals who work together to achieve goals. Collection of individuals has rules and a clear mechanism of action, and are dependent between each other. Therefore, a group of people who work in one room, even within a single project, not necessarily a teamwork. Moreover, if the group managed authoritarian factions arise in it, and the lack of interaction between group members.When a person is working in a group (team), there are two issues that arise. First there is a task (task) and an issue-related problems with the execution of the work. This is often a major topic of concern to the team. Second, is the process that occurs in the teamwork itself, such as how the mechanism of action or rule of a team as a unit of the company, the process of interaction in the team, and others. In other words, the process refers to the spirit of cooperation, coordination, and the procedures to be agreed upon all members, and other things that are useful to maintain harmonious relationships between individuals in a group. Regardless of the process, it is a teamwork will not have any value for the company and will only be a source of problems for the company in the formation of a teamwok. Conversely, if the process is in a group of people who work together, then their performance will increase, as will the support technically and morally.Why Teamwork Necessary?Teamwork is an excellent means of combining various talents and innovative solutions can provide a well-established approach. Besides the diverse skills and knowledge possessed by anggoya also a plus that makes teamwork more profitable than an individual who is brilliant though.A team can be seen as a self-regulating unit. The range of skills and knowledge of members and self "monitoring" shown by each team allowed to be given a task and responsibility. Even when a problem can be decided by one person alone, involving teamwork will provide several advantages. advantages are: first decision made jointly will increase the motivation of the team in the implementation. Second, a joint decision will be more easily understood by the team than simply relying on the decision of one person.When viewed from the perspective of the individual, with his entry into a group (team), then it will increase morale / motivation to achieve something feat that may never be achieved by the individual alone. This can happen because the team encourages each member to have the authority and responsibility so as to increase the price of each person.A Life Cycle Teamworkgeneral development of a team can be divided into 4 stages:• Forming, is the stage at which the members agreed to join our team. Since the newly formed group, each person carrying values, opinions, and how to work on their own. Conflict is rare, everyone still shy, timid, and often there are members who feel nervous. Groups tend not to choose a leader (except tean who had been chairman of the group first).• Storming, is the stage where the chaos grew in the team. Leaders who have been often questioned his ability and group members did not hesitate to replace leaders who deemed incapable. Factions begin to form, there is a conflict because of personal issues, all insisted the opinion of each. Very little communication occurs because each person would no longer be a listener and some do not want to speak publicly.• norming, is the stage in which individuals and sub-groups that exist in the team began to feel the benefits of working together and striving to prevent the team from being destroyed (dissolved). because the spirit of cooperation has begun to emerge, each member began to feel free to express their feelings and their opinions to all team members. Other than that, everyone started to be a good listener. Mechanism of action and a set of rules established and adhered to by all members.• Performing, this stage is the culmination point where the team has managed to build a system that enables it to be able to work productively and efficiently. At this stage the team success will be seen from the performance shown.Skills RequiredThere are two main skills that should be owned by members of a teamwork, namely:• Managerial skills (managerial skills), including the ability to make plans, set goals, monitor performance, monitor progress and ensure the work has been done correctly, and others.• Interpersonal skills (interpersonal skills), including the ability to communicate, respect others' opinions and the ability to establish interpersonal relationships with others.Marketing strategy is a set of goals and objectives, policies and rules that give direction to the marketing efforts from time to time on each level and location. Modern marketing strategy generally consists of three stages: market segmentation (segmenting), the determination of the target market (targeting), and the determination of market positioning (positioning) (Kotler, 2001). After learning market segments, target markets, and market position, it can devise marketing mix (marketing mix), which consists of product strategy, pricing, delivery / distribution and promotion (Assauri, 1999).Marketing StrategyMarketing strategy is a set of goals and objectives, policies and rules that give direction to the marketing efforts from time to time on each level and location. Modern marketing strategy generally consists of three stages: market segmentation (segmenting), the determination of the target market (targeting), and the determination of market positioning (positioning) (Kotler, 2001). In general, there are three basic philosophy as a guideline for companies to approach the market, namely the mass marketing where the decision to produce and distribute products en masse, marketing a range of products that serve a selection of different products for different segments, and targeted marketing are developing products for specific market .1. Mass marketing, where the sellers mass producing, mass distributing, and mass promoting the product to all buyers. Their thinking is that the cost of production and prices to be cheap and can create the largest potential market.2. Marketing of various products, in which the seller produces two or more products that have a nature, style, quality, size and so different. Their thinking is that consumers have different tastes change over time, and are always looking for variations and changes.3. Targeted marketing, here sellers recognize the different market segments, selecting one or more of them, and developing products and marketing mix tailored to the characteristics of each customer.Market segmentation is dividing the market activities of the heterogeneous nature of a product into the market units (market segment), which is homogeneous (Kotler, 2001). In other words, the activity of market segmentation divides the market into groups of buyers are distinguishable to the needs, characteristics, or behavior is different that might require separate products or marketing mix.The company divides the market into specific market segments where each segment is homogeneous. Differences wishes and desires of consumers is the main reason for holding the market segmentation.Companies or vendors classify some groups target marketing segments, namely the segmentation of consumer markets, industrial market segmentation, and the segmentation of international markets. The group market segment has different characteristics, so it requires its own way to handle it.Creating Consumer Market SegmentationThere is no single way to create a market segment. Marketers should try different segmentation variables, alone or in combination to find the best way to map the structure of the market. There are several key variables that are often used to define the segmentation of the market, the geographic variables, demographic, psikografik, and specific behaviors.1. Geographic SegmentationGeographic segmentation divides the market into geographic units such as countries, regions, provinces, cities, districts, urban areas and subdivisions.2. Demographic Segmentation
Demographic market segmentation divides the market into groups based on variables such as gender, age, marital status, family size, age of children, income, occupation, geographic location, mobility, home ownership, education, religion, race or nationality.a. Age and Life Cycle StageCompanies use age and life cycle segmentation, offering different products or the use of different marketing approaches for different age groups and different life cycle.b. SexCompanies use gender segmentation for marketing their products, such as clothing, cosmetics, and magazines.
c. RevenueProduct marketers have long used the revenue to segmentation marketing products and services, such as cars, boats, clothing, cosmetics and transportation services.
d. Multivariate Segmentation DemographicsMany companies that market segment by combining two or more demographic variables.3. Segmentation PsikografikPsikografik segmentation divides buyers into different groups based on characteristics of social class, lifestyle or personality. In groups domografik, different people can have different characteristics psikografik.a. Social Classb. Lifestylec. Personality4. Behavior SegmentationSegmentation grouping buyer behavior based on knowledge, attitudes, usage or their reaction to a product. Many marketers believe that behavior variables are the best start to form a segment of the market.a. OpportunitySegmentation divides the market into groups opportunities by chance when the buyer got the idea to buy or use the goods purchased.b. Benefits SoughtOne powerful form of segmentation is to group buyers according to the benefits they seek from the product. Benefit segmentation divides the market into groups according to a variety of different benefits that consumers look of the product.c. User StatusThe market can be segmented into groups of non-users, ex-users, potential users, first time users, regular danpengguna of a product.d. Usage RateIn the segmentation level of consumption, the market can be classified into groups of light users, medium and heavy. The number of heavy users often only a small part of the market, but produces a high percentage of the total purchases.e. Loyalty StatusA company can be segmented by consumer loyalty. Consumers can be loyal to the brand, stores and companies.Making Industry Market SegmentationStages determination segmentation industry in general, the first to choose and determine which industries served; within selected industries, marketers can segment by customer size and geographic location; further segmentation based approach can be focused or purchase criteria.Industrial base for market segmentation is the aspect of geographic, demographic, situational factors, and personal characteristics.Making International SegmentationCompanies can segment international markets using a single variable or a combination of several variables.The international market can also be segmented based on economic factors. For example, countries can be grouped according to the income level of residents or by the overall level of economic development, such as the Group of Seven countries, namely the United States, Britain, France, Germany, Japan, Canada and Italy which have been steady industry. In addition, states may also segmented based on political factors and regulations, such as the type and stability of government, receptivity to foreign firms, monetary regulations, and the amount of bureaucracy. Cultural factors, may also be used, grouping markets based on language, grouping markets.Market Segmentation ProcessThe segmentation process has several steps. (1) identification of market segmentation basis, (2) collect market information, (3) developing the composition profile of the segment, (4) determining the consequences of marketing, (5) estimation of each potential market segment, (6) analysis of market opportunities, and ( 7) determination of market domination.The Importance of Doing SegmentationMarket segmentation is needed because:1. Vendor can better understand the behavior of market segments more homogeneous so that it can better serve their needs. Marketing program can be directed according to behaviors and needs of each market segment.2. If the market is too broad and behave very diverse, companies can select one or more segments of the market only. So that the capacity of the market can be more in line with broad market segments are formed.3. Markets are dynamic, not static, which means that the market continues to evolve which is characterized by changes such as attitude, life cycle, family situation, income, geographic patterns, and so on.4. Product or service change according to the product life cycle, from the introductory stage to the stage of decline.Requirements Effective SegmentationThere are many ways to segment the market, but not all effective segmentation. There are several factors that must be considered for effective market segmentation. The four factors are:1. Can be measured (measurability), the information about sifatsifat buyers include the size, purchasing power and the segments can be measured.2. Accessible (Accessibility), which market segments to be served effectively.3. The amount of coverage (Substantiality), the level of breadth and lucrative market segment when it is served.4. Workable, effective program that can be designed to attract and serve the segments.5. Beneficial (profitable)Market segmentation is not an easy job.B. Target markets (targeting)In determining the target market (target markets), companies must first segment the market, by classifying consumers (buyers) to the group with the characteristics (properties) are almost the same. Each consumer groups can be selected as a target market to be reached. Market segmentation is intended to examine market segments and look for opportunities facing the company, assess the market segments, and decide how much of the existing market segments that will be served by the company.As is the target market is a group of consumers that have the characteristics or properties almost identical (homogeneous) selected the company and that will be achieved by marketing mix (marketing mix). With the enactment of the target market, the company can expand its product positioning and marketing mix for each target market. The target market should be established, because it is useful in:1. Develop product positioning and marketing mix strategies.2. Allows adjustment of marketed products and marketing mix strategy is executed (at the right price, effective distribution channels, promotion of the right) with the target market.3. Targeting a wider market opportunities, it is important when marketing a new product.4. Utilizing the company's limited resources as efficiently and effectively as possible5. Anticipating competitionBy identifying the parts of the market that can be served effectively, the company will be in a better position to serve the particular consumer market.In selecting the target market (target markets), companies can take three alternative strategies, namely: (1) Strategy is Not Discriminating Market (undifferentiated marketing), (2) Discriminating Strategies Market (Differentiated Marketing), (3 ) Concentrated Strategy (Concentrated Marketing).The factors that influence the target market strategy, among others:1. Company sources.2. Product homogeneity.3. The stages in the product life cycle.4. Homogeneity market.5. Marketing strategies of competitors.

To evaluate the required target market information and analysis of data relating to:1. Products are marketed and executed marketing mix strategy.Companies can develop the right product for each target market by considering whether the product is still in line with the needs and wants of the target market.2. Customer satisfaction is the target market.Consumer satisfaction can be measured by the consumer voice, criticism, suggestions, or complaints against the company's product marketing strategy.3. Corporate profits.Achieving the level of profit is determined by the achievement of planned levels of sales and selling prices are set.C. Differentiation and PositioningAfter identifying market segments, then a company should also identify specific ways to differentiate their products and choose the "competitive positioning".DifferentiationBasically differentiation is the act of designing a set of meaningful differences to distinguish the company's offering from competitors bidding (Kotler, 1997). Differentiation can be done through the following five dimensions:a. Product Differentiation, the main differentiating products based on features, performance, suitability, durability, reliability, ease of repair, the style and design of the product.b. Service differentiation, differentiating primary care based on ease of ordering, delivery, installation, customer training, customer consulting, maintenance and repair.c. Personnel differentiation, differentiating the company's personnel based on skills, courtesy, credibility, reliable, fast response and good communication.d. Channel differentiation, differentiation step through how to establish channels of distribution, reach, expertise and performance of these channels.e. Image differentiation, differentiating the company's image based on different identity through the establishment of the position, differences and differences symbol ads.

Pemposisian Products on the Market (Positioning)Positioning is the act of designing the company's offer and image so it occupies a significant competitive position and is in the minds of target customers (Kotler, 1997). Positioning is a very major element of a marketing strategy. A company can determine its position through customer perception of the product and competing products that will be produced maps of perception. Using the information from the map perception, recognizable positioning strategies include:a. Positioning according to product attributes.Attempt to position themselves according to product attributes.b. Positioning according to benefits.Product is positioned as a leader in a certain benefitc. Positioning by price / quality.Product is positioned as the value (price and quality) best.d. Positioning by usage / application.Attempt to position the product as the best for a number of uses / application.e. Positioning according to the wearer.Attempt to position the product as the best for a number of user groupsf. Positioning by competitor.Product positioning themselves as better than its main competitors.g. Positioning by product category.Product is positioned as a leader in a product category. Once we pick and choose the target market, the next step is to determine the principal strategy to enter into business and market competition are:a. Positioning your product in the market as a step to seize the market in the consumer's mind (mind share).b. Product differentiation strategy (differentiation) as a strategic move to differentiate your product with a competing product in the consumer's mind (mind share).c. Strategy of strengthening brand (branding) of propduk you as a strategic move to keep the consumer in order to remain loyal, loyal, proud, and satisfied with how to market and sell the experiential (experience) and emotional (emotional) in the hearts of prospective customers (heart share).D. Marketing Mix Strategy (Marketing Mix)Marketing mix or marketing mix is ​​the tactical marketing tools that can be controlled, which is combined by the company to produce the desired response target market.Marketing mix are all factors that can be mastered by anyone marketing manager in order to influence consumer demand for goods and servicesFactors that influence, namely: Product, Place, Price, Promotion. Meanwhile, in addition to the above 4P, booms & Bitner has added another to the mix 3P is the People (human factors involved directly or indirectly in, Process (process / procedures work) and Physical Evidence.People: The human factor (involved directly & indirectly) in the delivery of products on the market aktiviti inappropriate excluded.Process: The process / work flow and procedures, including referral to coincide for every aktiviti is an element that will determine keberkesanan and marketing glory.
Physical Evidence: The ability of the industry in the delivery and keupayaan perkhidmatan emphatic corresponding paired with persekitaran market where perkhidmatan given.Competition AnalysisDescription of the analysis of competition, strengths and weaknesses of competitors includes: product, price, etc.Developing the Marketing Mix(MarketingMix)• Creating a marketing budget and allocates budget to various marketing mix (4 P)• Bids PRODUCTS to market include: quality, shapes, brands, and packaging and comes with service• Price (PRICE) is set to be proportional to the value offering to customers• Place (PLACE) distribution is essential so that customers can get products easily• PROMOTIONS, required to communicate the products to target marketsFactors Affecting Marketing Strategies
a. macro environment:
- Demographic and economic conditions
- The political / legal
- Technology
- Socio-cultural
b. microenvironment:
- Intermediary Marketing
- Suppliers
- Competitors
- CommunityE. The concept of Product Life Cycle (Product Life Cycle - PLC)In determining the marketing strategy of a product, it is necessary to analyze the life cycle of the product (Product Life Cycle - PLC) from similar products are made, this is because:1. Product, market (consumer demand), and the competitors will change throughout the product lifecycle.2. Products have a limited lifespan.3. Product sales will go through the various stages of a typical, and each provide challenges, opportunities, and different problems for the seller.4. Profits will go up and down at different times during the various stages of the product life cycle.5. Products require marketing strategies, finance, manufacturing, purchasing, and human resources are different in each stage of the cycle.Associated with the life cycle of products, some of the strategies that are generally applicable to each of the stages:1. The new products introduced in the market (introduction), the strategy:- Strive always to improve the appearance of their products.- Deploy as many items throughout the store.- To sell out.2. The products are well known (growth) strategy:- Trying to keep looking for new segments, increasing the number of reps, increase the transport fleet.- Always improving product quality- Consider strategies to lower the price of goods whose price is high.3. The market is already mature / saturated (the maturity), the strategy:- Trying to find smaller segments that have not been filled.- Creating a product with great packaging.- Improving the appearance of the product with something new.4. If this strategy does not work, then there will be a period of decline (decline). The strategy is applied:- If symptoms are severe, the promotion budget should be stopped- Concentrate on the market there is still hope, for other markets stopped.- Stop the overall product marketing and creating new products.

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