Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The Overview of Economic Business In West Sumatra


West Sumatra has a considerable economic potential. West coast waters and the Mentawai Islands region has a lot of marine life that have high economic value.
Economic Potential of West Sumatra

West Sumatra has a considerable economic potential. West coast waters and the Mentawai Islands region has a lot of marine life that have high economic value. Fishermen can catch a variety of fish species in this region. Grouper, shrimp, seaweed, crabs, and pearls are some of the marine fisheries mainstay. Coastal areas, especially the Mentawai Islands region produces a lot of coconut. In hilly and mountainous regions there are plantations of rubber, cloves, and pepper. Forest-covered mountainous region also produces wood. Medan heavy because of the large slopes of steep hills or mountains is a major challenge the development of agriculture and plantations in West Sumatra province.
West Sumatra has the potential mineral group A, B and C. A group minerals, namely coal contained in the District and Sawahlunto Sijunjung.
Meanwhile, mining materials group B consisting of mercury, sulfur, iron sand, copper, lead and silver spread in the district Sijunjung, Solok, Fifty-City, Pasaman, and Tanah Datar.
Category C minerals spread across the district town in West Sumatra, mostly consisting of sand, stone and gravel, while in Padang Pariaman contained obsidian and andesite stone.
One that has many benefits for West Sumatra is the limestone as a raw material of cement industry. PT Semen Padang in Padang West Sumatra exploit the natural wealth of this for decades. There are a lot of limestone in the vicinity of Padang, the area around Lake Batur and Padang Panjang. In Padang Panjang alone, deposits of limestone that can be exploited to reach 43 million tons.

West Sumatra industry dominated by small scale industries and households. The number of industrial units as many as 47,819 units, consisting of 47,585 small industrial units and 234 medium-large industrial units, with a ratio of 203: 1. In 2001 medium-large industrial investment in West Sumatra was Rp 3052 billion, or 95.60% of total investments, while small industrial investment is only Rp. 1412 billion or 4.40% of the total investment. Medium large industrial production value reached USD West Sumatra. 1623 billion, ie 60% of the total production value, and small industrial production value was Rp. 1090 billion, or 40% of the total value of production. In developed countries like the United States and Western Europe the contribution of these small industries may reach 80% of the total value of production.
West Sumatra is rich in abundant water sources also have much to benefit the development of this area. Maninjau Singkarak lake waters and has long been used as a hydroelectric power. This water source also has great potential to be processed and packed into mineral water.
The beauty of nature and culture of Minangkabau in West Sumatra province is famous and has the potential to be developed as tourism object. Generally, each district and town in West Sumatra tourism has at least one category that the potential to become a tourist destination and cultural nature. Categories of this tourism object can be either objects of natural scenery of the coast such as the Gulf Bayur, mountainous region which is very charming, lakes, canyons and valleys or cultural objects.
Cultural tourism destination in West Sumatra has a high prospect for development, where cultural property such as homes Gadang Minangkabau and Mentawai tribal culture including the unique one in the archipelago and to become one of the attractive tourist destination to visit.
West Sumatra province has different types of daearah and attractions include: Lake Batur (the largest in West Sumatra), Maninjau Lake, Twin Lake, Canyon Sianok, Anai Valley, Valley Harai and Cubadak island.

Conditions and Potential of Coastal Areas

The potential of marine fisheries and West Sumatra is very large, but marine fish production is still 35% of terexploitasi. This is caused by the condition of human resources are lacking and the lack of government attention as decision-makers.

The potential - the potential of natural resources in coastal areas that may be utilized include:

1. Estuaries (coastal area meetings between sea water and freshwater) have the potential as a  regional fishing (fishing Grounds) is good.
2. Mangrove forest (ecosystem fertility rate is higher than the estuaries); to support the survival of marine life.
3. Padang Seagrass (flowering plants adapted to life in the marine environment); as the main  habitat of dugongs, bulubabi, green turtles, fish baronang, parrots and sea cucumbers.
4. Coral Reefs (ecosystem that is composed of several types of hard coral habitat diverse biota).
5. Sand Beach (where kehideupan molluscs); has a value of tourism, especially sand puith.

Prospect Investment Development
Some opportunities include investai in West Sumatra; the fishing industry, aquaculture fisheries resources (such as grouper, coral pearls, ornamental fish, ponds, marine tourism, puith sand beaches, scuba diving).
Investment priorities in various regencies in West Sumatra;1. Padang Municipality
- Development of Mountain Resort Padang
- Poaching fish, skipjack tuna and tourism development of coastal desert city (Padang Beach Squar)
- Construction of Marina Muara Padang
- Development Area Tourism Sand tuft and the development of Grouper Hatchery Center Bungus
2. South Coastal District
- Fishing and Skipjack Tuna
- Grouper Aquaculture Development
- Development of Seaweed Farming
- Shrimp farming Windu
- Development Area Tourism Mandeh

3. Agam District
- Tuna fishing and tuna
- Grouper Aquaculture Development
- Development of Seaweed Farming
- Shrimp farming Windu

4. Padang District Pariaman
- Fishing and Skipjack Tuna
- Construction of Hotel transit
- Rental Water Cargo
- Grouper Aquaculture Development
- Development of Seaweed Farming

5. West Pasaman
- Grouper Aquaculture Development
- Development of Shrimp Culture
- Construction of Water Port bangis
- Development of CPO tank
- Tuna fish poaching

6. City Pariaman
- Development of Coastal Tourism
- Development of Small Islands Tourism
- Fishing Port Development
Experience during the economic crisis has given a signal to the rest of us, that small and medium enterprises which are supported by local resources (local), especially in agriculture and small industries have the force of resistance against the influence of the impact of economic crisis, so that the relative is able to survive than large-scale business using components from the imported raw materials.
Besides, small scale business is the business field which is the source of income of most people in West Sumatra, reaching approximately 80% of households in this area. However, because the problems it faces in developing businesses such as lack of capital, technology and marketing, cause most of the small-scale enterprises has not been able to raise revenue culprits to a more reasonable level to meet the needs of life.
           Barangkat from that condition, then to strengthen the regional economy and society as well as increase the income of the majority of existing businesses, our choice in the future is how to empower small business group which is the 'People's Business' to strong business and professional so that they can become the motor of development area.
           Efforts that have been implemented so far in the development of small and medium needs to be enhanced by performing a more comprehensive development with the advanced development of participation and independence of the community in doing business. Government a more prominent role as a principal and manager of development is time shifted in line with the demands of reform and more limited development funds that can be allocated to encourage economic development activities of the people.
           The role of governments as facilitators of small business development need to be increased especially in helping these businesses overcome problems encountered in pengembanagan business. Efforts to improve human resources capabilities, improved technology, marketing information services in the development, improvement of institutional operations and access to sources of capital and marketing center, will become an important part of government's role in guiding the development of small and medium enterprises in the period ahead.
           On the operational development and economic empowerment of the people has become a local authority districts and cities, because in general the business field that became populist economic base in this area related to the field of agriculture, industry and handicraft, trade and services and other business fields which are mandatory government authority districts and towns. While the program in the province is providing support for the continuation of the program in the district of the city, among others, in the form of facilitating the promotion and marketing, preparation of guidelines for the development, preparation of service standards and other activities in accordance with provincial authorities.
One form of support for the province in which populist economic empowerment through the "Road Show 6 SKPD scope of Economic Affairs (Department of Food Crops, Animal Husbandry Department, Plantation Office, Department of Marine and Fisheries, Cooperatives and the Department of Industry and Trade) to district / municipal in Sumatra West "to make a deal with the respective Regional Heads of Regency / City of Commodity to be developed in 2008-2012.
Commodity Development Agreement Between the Province by District, 2008-2012 as follows:

Kab. Agam
Kab. Pasaman
Kab. Pasaman Barat
Kab. Lima Puluh Kota
Kab. Solok
Kab. Solok Selatan
Kab. Padang Pariaman
Kab. Pesisir Selatan
Kab. Tanah Datar
Kab. Sijunjung
Kab. Darmasraya
Kab. Kep. Mentawai
Kota Bukittinggi
Kota Padang
Kota Sawahlunto
Kota Padang Panjang
Kota Solok
Kota Payakumbuh
Kota Pariaman
Sayur-sayuran, Sapi Potong
Kakao, Perikanan Air Tawar
Jagung, Perikanan Laut
Gambir, Jeruk
Sayur-sayuran, Sapi Potong
Perikanan Air Tawar, Sapi Potong
Kakao, Sapi Potong
Perikanan Laut, Sapi Potong
Kambing, Casiavera
Sapi Potong, Perikanan Air Tawar
Sapi Potong, Perikanan Air Tawar
Kakao, Pisang
Tanaman Hias, Produk Olahan Hasil Pertanian
Perikanan laut, Ayam Potong
Kakao, Karet
Kulit, Sapi Perah
Minyak Atsiri, Makanan Ringan
Makanan Ringan, Sapi Potong
Pisang, Kelapa


Round wood is a product of superior western Sumatra provincial forestry sector whose production was as follows:

In 1998/1999 452,148.44 m3 of roundwood production
In the year 1999/2000 223,599.48 m3 of roundwood production
In 2000 production of 234,789.83 m3 of logs
In 2001 production of 277,022.33 m3 of logs
In 2002 production of 441,301.25 m3 of logs
In 2003 production of 492,300.91 m3 of logs
In 2004 production of 437,703.35 m3 of logs

TOURISMKamang Mudiak "Tour Into Nagari Heroes"
Changes in how leadership is centralized to the Indonesian sistemotonomi bring and involve areas and sufficient finance to mampumemenuhi respectively. Regional autonomy jugamemunculkan various ideas for business development and memajukandaerah. For mine-producing regions, and potential other kekayaanbumi anticipates it will be easier this change, karenamereka generally able to meet its own local finance. But masalahakan feel for the areas of basic need funding because of limited central daripemerintah natural richness. Agam is one of the regencies in West Sumatra is not memilikipotensi for large-scale mining. But in fact Agam mempunyaiberbagai tourism potential that should be developed and promoted for local, national and even international.
Changes in the way leadership is centralized to the Indonesian sistemotonomi bring and involve areas and sufficient finance to mampumemenuhi respectively. Regional autonomy jugamemunculkan various ideas for business development and memajukandaerah. For mine-producing regions, and potential other kekayaanbumi anticipates it will be easier this change, karenamereka generally able to meet its own local finance. But masalahakan feel for the areas of basic need funding because of limited central daripemerintah natural richness. Agam is one of the regencies in West Sumatra is not memilikipotensi for large-scale mining. But in fact Agam mempunyaiberbagai tourism potential that should be developed and promoted for local, national and even international. It inidapat used as the correction of the world's development lags behind tourism Agamyang Bukittinggi as nearest neighbors. During this Agam's tourism potential is directed to areas Maninjau dansekitarnya with panoramic lake and natural beauty in Puncak Lawang. One of the tourist area that is rarely mentioned in the Agam and masihkurang be promoted is a tourist attraction in Nagari Kamang Mudiak.Sebagai a historic village, this area is actually a promise for a world tour daerahyang Agam District. With jaraksekitar 12 km from Bukittinggi or perjalanan20 takes only minutes from Bukittinggi we can directly reach the villages yangunik ini.Dalam historical overview of West Sumatra course everyone knows tentangperistiwa Padri War Turbulent 1820's to tahun1830's and one of the important figures is Tuanku Nan Renceh yangberdomisili in Jorong Bansa, Kamang Mudiak the tomb sampaisekarang still well maintained. Another important event is pernahterjadi Kamang War that erupted in 1908 with the figures of heroes of Kamang Mudiak and Kamang Downstream. Kamangsebagai a war effort against the acts of extortion by the Colonial Belandayang happen with tax collection (blasting) bagimasyarakat burdensome, this struggle led by H. Abdul Manan who berasaldari hamlet Kampuang Budi, Feed Sinayan. For we remember dapatmelihat and pilgrimage to the tombs of the heroes are in JorongPakan Sinayan, Kamang Mudiak.Selain presents historical attractions, area attractions Kamang Mudiak jugamemberi natural charm all its object can be passed dalamsatu route. When we come to Kamang Mudiak melewatijalur Bukittinggi, Feed Thursday, and until the Feed Sinayan, then kitaakan Kamang War Monument was greeted by 1908 in areas Sinayankemudian Feed continue the journey to the Grotto Tarang Biaro dijorong same stone. Tarang Grotto is a cave yangterdapat a panorama at the foot of the hill with an amazing fascination with stalagtitdan stalagmites found in caves. Communities around memahamitempat this as a legend who formerly came from sebuahkapal, then cursed to become stone. Each corner of the cave was mentioned to have specifications and naming-naming the stone itself. Adabatu legs dangling, head of the king of rock, stone lions, stone elephants, batubuaya, stone composite fabric, stone menyesui mother. and various penamaanlainnya. Tarang stone grotto at the front there is a batubesar Biaro and in passing by an airport (small river). After the Jorong Feed Sinayan, we will enter Jorong Bansa, here we can drop into the grave Tuanku Nan Renceh as pahlawanPerang Padri. Then your tour will enter Jorong Babukitdan Halalang. Here we can enjoy the natural keidahan, yaituterdapatnya a mini lake called masyarakata with Tarusan.Tarusan surrounded by the Bukit Barisan that add charm daerahyang beautiful. For fish fishing addicts can immediately bring pancinganatau kailnya. We can fish freely because penduduksetempat provides a raft that can be borrowed for fishing dankita not have to pay a fee for fishing. Various types of fresh ikanair contained in this mini lake. But the specific fish in other areas ie jarangditemukan Monitor. Monitor is a small body denganukuran fish, but if the flavor and delicious taste not kantertinggal of tasty, tasty, fresh-water fish is a water Tarusan lainnya.Keunikan of frequent tidal dalamwaktu that can not be taken into account. Sometimes water management Tarusan danterisi with fish unknown origin with certainty. And dimasaberikutnya Tarusan water will recede and exhausted, until the fish biasanyatertinggal in parks (swimming-pool) made sebagaipenampung fish population when the water receded. Later in the Tarusan tersebutmasyarakat around will bersawah until the water filled journey from Jorong Halalang lagi.Melanjutkan we trace foot BukitBarisan, when he got in the area Jorong Kapecong and Padang Kunyik kitajuga can stop unwind under the trees at the edge jalan.Kita can see scenery Panorama beautiful curvaceous. Lukisanalam we can see is aggun and sturdy Mount Merapidan Singgalang adjacent to the loud and clear, sertadibagian down the hillside we could see the scenery of rice nan mengagumkan.Dari menguning.Sebuah Jorong Padang Kinyik tourists can go on keJorong Durian which provides a tourist attraction Kamang.Ngalau Grotto is a cave that is steep, if we traced into the abdominal akanterbawa Bukit Durian with lebihkurang 1 km long route. To enter this cave we have to complete menggunakanpenerangan because its dark atmosphere inside the Grotto. Bagiyang not bring their own lighting lamps can borrow petromaksdari local residents with oil change cost Rp 10,000, -. Sesampaidi we will be served in the cave with water dripping rocks, clear water. Here and there, we can see stalagmites and stalagtitbeserta a small river that flows inside the Grotto Kamang menambahkeindahan charm. According speech masyarakatsekitar history, the cave was once used as hideouts of the militants, even in a book the author ever read that in NgalauKamang never found a tool which is a shale peninggalanmasyarakat Pre History of Indonesia. All objects that we go without having to pay tadidapat visited retribusi.Begitulah cursory tour that we can enjoy in KamangMudiak. But there are tips you can give when writers will travel to "Nagari Hero" is. We recommend you use a motorcycle or car transportation pribadibaik because when using a personal vehicle andaakan easily reach places of interest had been in one ruteperjalanan. And the sights were not too far away darijalan-district roads so that when you leave kendaraanpribadi certainly will remain safe. Tips are given also dikarenakanbelum of direct public car around Nagari Kamang Mudiak, so it will take time to see the objects earlier. For yangpergi to Kamang Mudiak by public transportation to climb K-01yang ngetem car around the Lower Market or in Aur Kuning, Bukittinggi.Dan to facilitate travel in Kamang Mudiak we also bisamenggunakan motorcycle taxi service that hung in the Feed Sinayan, or in jorongDurian. And do not forget to bring a camera because if terlupakankita can not capture the exciting journey ini.Untuk meet consumption needs such as food, snacks danminuman you need not fear because in this area you can menukanwarung-wurung that can meet those needs. Arrival andadi Kamang Mudiak will be more interesting if we Seninatau day visit on Friday, because on that day there will be market (day hall). Denganmenu food in markets such as katupek (diamond), CINDUA (cendol), traditional danmakanan lainnya.Setelah we spent the day in Kamang Mudiak, you can take a souvenir in the form karupuak Kamang (Crackers Kamang) made masyarakatsetempat. These crackers can be purchased directly to homes purchased in the vicinity pembuatnyaatau Feed Sinayan. When buying crackers inimasih in a raw state, so when he got home we dapatlangsung fry and eat with the family. Kriuk,,, kriukdan gurihnya will continue to be sticky dilidah. It makes perjalananwisata we will increasingly berkesan.BUKIT Barisan, tourist routes Kamang Mudiak: 1. Kamang War Monument, 1908. 2. Tarang Grotto Biaro Stone, 3. Tomb war hero Kamang 4. Tomb Tuanku Nan renceh (vicar war hero). 5. Tarusan. 6. Panorama curvaceous 7. Grotto Kamang
To carry out development activities in West Sumatra Province, and follow the mandate of Act No. 25 of 2004 concerning National Development Planning System, and Law Number 32 Year 2004 on Regional Government, is required Term Development Plan (RPJMD) West Sumatra Province Year 2006-2010.
West Sumatra Province Development Priorities for the Year 2006-2010, consisting of 7 (seven) with 32 priority development agenda as follows:

 1. Understanding & Implementing Quality Improvement of Religious Doctrine
 2. Increased Appreciation Arts and Culture Areas
 3. Prevention and Eradication Action Maksiat
 1. Equality & Education Quality Improvement
 2. Equitable & Quality Improvement of Health Services
 3. Increased Participation of Women & Family Welfare
 4. Improving the Quality of Youth & Sports Development
 5. Improvement of Science and Technology, Research & Development
 1. Improving Local Governance Capability
 2. Improving the Quality of Public Services
 3. Eradication of Corruption, Collusion and Nepotism
 4. Construction Law & Protection of Human Rights (HAM)
 5. Enhanced Security & Public Order
 6. Improved Financial Management
 1. Revitalization of Agriculture & Agro-Industry Development
 2. Development and Export Expansion
 3. Pengemb Industry & Tourism
 4. Management of Natural Resources, Environment, Natural Disasters and Pemb. Sustainable
 5. Institutional Economic Development, Cooperatives and SMEs
 6. Increasing Investment & Development of Regional Cooperation and Inter-Regional
 7. Spatial Planning, Lands and the Integrated Development of Inter-Area
 8. Revitalization and Improvement of Management of enterprises
 1. Employment Pemb
 2. Improved Utilization of Water Resources
 3. Transportation Facilities and Infrastructure Improvement
 4. Housing and Settlement Infrastructure Improvement
 1. Energy Development
 2. Nagari-Based Poverty Reduction
 3. Micro Empowerment
 1. Government Upgrades Nagari
 2. Structuring Administration, Finance and Asset Nagari
 3. Increased Community Participation in Development and Noman

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