Sunday, February 24, 2013

Observation Overview in Karangreja Purbalingga Central Java

Vegetable export and Fruits of Indonesian to global markets still weeny which is vicinities 0,22% (Tridjaja and kusharyono, 2003).  The demmand of vegetable product by world global market is reported up to vicinity 10 million tons per year. Thus possibling to increase market compartment exports vegetable and Fruits of Indonesian at proximately is still greatly. Indonesian success in reach for greater market compartment will really  depend on productivity of  vegetable and management type that at utilizes by agents agribusiness. Vegetable and fruits which is wanted and has quality that correspond to international quality default.
Vegetable conducting success and fruits main at Indonesia in penetrate global market so prescribed by SDM agents agrubisnis,about how to produce it  and how to market strategies usufructs their product. Opus writes this tries to comment Potency and vegetable export constraints and buahan.

A.    Objectives
The Objectives that wants to be reached in this observation is:  
1.      To know opportunity and constraint of  agricultural product  
2.      To know how many opportunity and constraint of  agricultural product  

B.     Observational Method
1.      Location and research object
This observational location at Serang and kutabawa in Karangreja's district Purbalingga's Regency, reason blackballs this location.The reason,this location is agribusiness area which have high in productivity and high in quality and also variety product,so it will be efficient and effective in observation proccess.
2.      Population
In this observation the population are Agribusinessman location at Serang and kutabawa in Karangreja's district Purbalingga's Regency,
3.      Sample
Respondent seeking procedure is done based accidental is sampling , Responden hunting procedure basedon accidental sampling, That everyone who accidentally and suitable as a responden. 
4.      Time
This Observation was doing  in 20 May 2011 until 21 May 2011.

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