Berikut saya jelaskan terkait perkembangan industri retail di indonesia
retail industry can be categorized into industrylives of many people is because about 10% of the total populationIndonesia subsisted by trading. With characteristicretail industry that does not require special skills and higher educationto at it, so many people of Indonesia, especially belonging to thecategory of SMEs in the retail industry. During its development, itthese small traders who dominate the workforce inretail industry in Indonesia. These merchants transformed into merchanttraditional markets, grocery merchants even get into the informal industry2005 2006 2007.
Merchants Street Markets (PKL). The emergence of these traders did notinevitable given the rapid population growth each year thatnot offset job growth. On the other hand, the agricultural industrybe the belle of the previous changes and move on toAnother more promising industries. By looking at the majority of traders inretail industry who come from the middle to the bottom, then the developmentin the retail industry should always take into consideration the interests of traderssmall in order not to cause huge social problems.Since 1998, the map of the retail industry underwent major changes, especially afterGovernment to liberalize. Liberalization marked by the signing ofletter of intent with the IMF providing investment opportunities to foreignersto entry in the retail industry.
Since then, foreign retailers started to arrive and enliven the retail industryIndonesia. Very active foreign retailers to invest primarily insuch large-scale hypermarkets and Department Store. One example isContinent, Carrefour, Hero, Walmart, Yaohan, Lotus, Mark & Spencer, Sogo,Macro, Seven Eleven, etc..
Based on data from AC Nielsen in 2008, it is known that the growth of retailmodern annual record number range of 10% to 30%. It isindicated by the expansion of modern retail is very aggressive to get into the areapeople settlement. Traditional retailers located in rural andsettlement of people were affected by dealing directly with retailthe modern. Competition between them was inevitable. Not onlythat, because of the lack of zoning rules of the modern retail development, thentraditional retailers located in the major cities were affected.Competition head to head due to the proliferation of modern retail impactpoorly to traditional retail presence. One of the real impact of the presence ofmodern retail in the middle of traditional retail is the reduction of small tradersand the decrease of the turnover of small traders. In 2007 the Government issued Presidential Regulation. 112 of 2007 whichregulate traditional retail and modern retail in particular related to zoningwhich restricts the development of modern markets and reduce their impact on themarkets, and also discussed about opening hours, permitting up toproblem term trading very disturbing modern market suppliers.The problem that occurs is the extent to which rules are effectively appliedand implications for retail businesses. Not only that, then at the end of the year2008 the Government issued a regulation proponents of regulation 112/2007 whichNo. Permendag. 53 of 2008. In more detail this rule set onzoning issues and trading terms.
But then it will be meaningless if the above rulesif it is not followed by the implementing rules in the area. As set outin regulation 112/2007 that the Government has a veryimportant in the development of the retail industry in the region where the government hasauthority related to licensing issues, zoning and store hours. In addition,some time now also emerging issues about the government's plans forformulate Trade Act as the spearhead implementationtrading activities in Indonesia, including the retail industry in it.
It is the underlying Commission to learn more aboutwhere the rules are applied in order to reduce the problemsoccurred in the retail industry, both in the horizontal and vertical. Withcomplexity of the retail industry in Indonesia, the Commission decided toformed Team Impact Evaluation and Assessment Competition Policy InRetail Industry.
1.2. DestinationEvaluation and Assessment on Business Competition Policy In Retail Industry'sattempt to examine the development of this industry, especially after the Presidential Regulation. 112 of 2007 was issued. The purpose of these activities is tounderstand some of the following:1. Identify the regulations relating to the retail industry;2. Identifying the readiness of local governments in effecting the rule retailand analyze the impact of these rules on the competition;3. Identifying the regulation and structure of the retail industry in the region;4. Identify and analyze the behavior of businesses in the retail industryassociated with Law no. 5 of 1999
1.3. Data SourcesPrimary and secondary data will be obtained from businesses involveddirectly and indirectly with the activities of the retail industry, regulatory agencies andother stakeholders. The data used in this study is primary dataand secondary, both qualitatively and quantitatively.
1.4. ScopeIn accordance with the purposes of this study, in general, the study will focus on thedevelopment of the retail industry after the issuance of Presidential Decree No.. 112 of 2007 andNo. Permendag. 53 of 2008. Specifically, the evaluation of this policy willdiscuss several aspects, among others:• Identify the implementation of Presidential Decree No.. 112 of 2007 andNo. Permendag. 53 of 2008 in the field• Identify the conditions of the implementation of regulations in the area• Analyze the structure of the retail industry in the region.
1.5. Systematics StudiesEvaluation and Assessment on Business Competition Policy In Retail Industrywill be divided into 7 chapters, namely:
Chapter I - IntroductionThis chapter discusses the background of the implementation of the research, the purpose of the study,Data source and scope of the study.
Chapter II - Retail Industry RegulationThis chapter discusses the Regulatory Overview Retail ranging from regulation112 of 2007 and No. Permendag. 53 of 2008, and discussed thesome regulation of the retail industry in areas such as East Java Bylaw, Bylaw CityBandung and Denpasar regulation..Chapter III - Best Practices in Retail Industry SettingsThis chapter discusses the settings in various countries in the retail industry.
Chapter IV - Retail IndustryThis chapter will discuss the development of the retail industry in the regioninclude a discussion of the growth of modern retail and traditional retail in the area.
Chapter IV - Indonesia Retail Industry Problems In Perspective CompetitionThis chapter discusses primarily issues between retailers retail small / traditional dengmodern retailers as well as between modern retailers with suppliers.
Chapter VI. AnalysisThis chapter discusses the analysis of retail policy views of some regulationsabout the industry that has been issued and the policy solutions to addressproblems related to the retail industry in Indonesia.
Chapter VII. Conclusions and RecommendationsThis chapter concludes the study, especially linking the analysis anddiscussion of the study with the primary objective set at the beginning of the study.
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